NATA offers indivual and group tennis and pickleball lessons, drills and cardio!
At NATA, we strive to provide the best tennis and pickleball experience in town. With a fun, progressive format, and professionally planned themes, each session will be a familiar but unique journey.
Get ready for an engaging, friendly, social environment.
Morning Drills
Terrell Mill: Mondays and Wednesdays
9:00a.m. - 11:00a.m.
Terrell Mill:
8:00p.m. - 9:30p.m.
Beginning October 17th
6:30p.m. - 8:30p.m.
Program Cost
2 Hour Programs: $30 1.5 Hour Programs: $25
For pickleball lessons contact:
Coach Michael Kreider:
Cell: 404.990.2065
For information on Riverside drills & lessons,
contact 770-331-4402 or